Wednesday 23 September 2020


We have been learning about biosecurity in Reading. We read a book called Unwanted Visitors. The unwanted visitors were bugs and pests coming into New Zealand. Biosecurity is making sure pests and diseases don't come into the country from the border. Sometimes they come in on the bottom of boats, on people's footwear and in food when people come into New Zealand.

So we had to make an ad so people would remember to check their bags for food before they travel to New Zealand. I made my ad using Google Slides. It was easy to choose the background because it was a cool colour that stood out. It was tricky to find the picture because there weren't good ones using the Explore tool. I ended up choosing one from the internet that was free to reuse and then I removed the background.

Maori language book

We were learning to use book creator.
It was easy to record my voice.
It was hard to get it done on time.
My digital learning object shows that I can make a book online.
Here is my book just click on the title page to read it .

Friday 4 September 2020

Tracey Tawhiao

 It was easy to make something about my art on a google drawing.

It was hard to think of my culture so I had to do maori patterns and get it done on time. 

My digital learning object show that I can explain my art on a google drawing.  

Thursday 3 September 2020

Frogs - Comic Strip.

We were learning to make a graphic text. First we read a Graphic Novel called Frogs. Then we had to write Part 2. We worked in  buddies and my buddy was Manvi. She was a good partner because she is on task and gets her work done. It made me keep up.

I enjoyed making the characters and scenery. 

I found it hard to think of what came next in the story.

My digital learning object shows that I can make a comic strip with a  buddy 

Ezra's August Student Reflection Newsletter

 We are learning to reflect on our learning .

It was easy to take a photo of myself. 

I found it hard to think of trivia questions.

This is our August reflection.Every month we reflect on our learning .Have you done a reflection newsletter ?