Friday 28 June 2019

st Vincent

We were learning about the saints
St Vincent 
He was a French Catholic priest who dedicated himself to serving the poor.St. Vincent was ordained  in 1600. In 1605, he left to go on a mission trip. On the way, he was captured, shipped to Tunis, and sold as a slave for two years. He managed to escape and returned to France.  

St Vincent had a mean temper. He prayed that God would slow his anger. 

Wednesday 19 June 2019

Fizz, Foam & Froth

We were learning about Fizz foam and froth. I enjoyed making it fizz up.

Here is my explanation...

Have you ever wondered what makes  fizz foam and froth?
When you put vinegar with baking soda a chemical reaction will happen  that will fizz foam and froth. The vinegar changes the properties of the baking soda.

Wednesday 12 June 2019


My name is Ezra. I go to Saint Mary’s Catholic Primary School. I am in Year 5. I live with my mum and dad and sister. I have two dogs and a kitten. I live in Gisborne, New Zealand.

I am good at Reading. I like to read all sorts of books so don’t really have a favourite author. I love to play hockey. I play in the sandpit with my friends at morning tea and lunchtime. This year I want to use adjectives, juicy verbs and similes in my writing.

This year I am looking forward to doing more science experiments, and going to Nana and Poppa’s.